The Coast Trading Package V5.0 - Available for purchase now!
The all new Coast Trading Package Vers 5… Versatility and High Quality, at a budget price. For many years your choice to get the full suite of DiNapoli Indicators has been very limited.
You 've had a very inexpensive choice, our own FibNodes Software.
You had a very expensive choice, CQG.
These choices remain but now...
In cooperation with Genesis Corp. we can offer you all of the DiNapoli indicators at a very reasonable price. You must purchase the CTP package and subscribe to the
suite DiNapoli Studies on CTP to get the studies listed below. The Thrust Scanner is optional. See Pricing.
Including :
DiNapoli levels
The Proprietary Oscillator Predictor
The Proprietary MACD Predictor
The DiNapoli Preferred Stochastic
The DiNapoli MACD
The DiNapoli Detrended Oscillator
The Thrust Scanner (optional)
And properly configured Displaced Moving Averages
In addition, our partnership with Genesis allows you to choose from a variety of fairly priced data options.
Here’s the bottom line… I've been a CQG subscriber since the early eighties… It’s simply the best service I have ever used, but many part time traders can’t afford it. What we have done with the New CTP is tried to duplicate the most important advantages of CQG at a fraction of the price.
Leading indicator analysis
The Proprietary Oscillator Predictor as well as DiNapoli Level studies are leading indicators. They are designed with one purpose in mind: to accurately advise you of support and resistance before the markets get there. When you get good at their application you can not only determine support and resistance, minutes, hours, or months in advance, but you can also determine the quality and extent of this anticipated support or resistance. These studies should provide those of you who have not traded with quality leading indicators, a whole new perspective on the markets.
Do not attempt to use these indicators without knowledge. While you can buy the software separately, I implore you, to get and study the book Trading with DiNapoli Levels (TWDL) .
This will show you how effective the indicators can be. The book has a 30 day money back guarantee... You have everything to gain and nothing to loose. If you have not seen the effectiveness of these techniques already, and need convincing…
This is a sample of how our clients feel about the methods taught in the book.
When you get the software we will arrange by appointment a free support session that will get you started. It’s in your interest to study the book first but this is not a requirement.
However you choose to proceed my associates are here to help you. We appreciate your interest in these studies and wish you the best in your interaction with the difficult and challenging markets we have today.
Joe DiNapoli